Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Save yourself

I only help those who want to be helped.

I only give to those who need.
I hate that.

No one walks all over me... that's the only reason why I'm pissed about the thief that stole my laptop... I'd give out my morning muffin to be present during the robbery; man, it would have been an epic brawl. I was raised to take care of my stuff and second, opening my door and coming into my car is invading my space. I hate bubble intrusions.

I expect my family to be like me.

I expect them to learn.

But they don't.

At times, I think their vulnerability and forgiving nature is so admirable but right now... being vulnerable and forgetting the past seems like a stupid move on their part.

I justify my thinking because I constantly see them getting angry
constantly being used.
constantly hurting.
I hate seeing them be repeatedly hurt, angry and hurt...

It is almost like they lack the ability to reason.

Where the heck is your good God given common-sense?

If a dog runs a cat out of the dog's property, the cat is not going to visit the dog.

Why is everyone always visiting the damn dog?

Save yourself some hurt.

Live and learn.

I'm proud of being guarded; so proud, I'm douchely self-righteous of being alone and stern.

"Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away."

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