Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Am Mexican.

Don't deny someone their identity. 

Sure, I am many other things than just a Mexican American who is speech dyslexic when speaking spanish, but I love my culture - my race.

I am a part-time employee at Things Remembered at the Plaza Mall. As I worked this past weekend, a lady asked my manager and I if we sold something (In Spanish) and I squinted my eyes and came closer to her booming voice.

She repeated her question but I... just didn't know what the word was... it was something for Groomsmen... and as I stood back up straight, an older lady who was behind her, possibly her mother, sucked her teeth and said, "VAMONOS, no entienden estos pinches..."

That bothered me and I quickly said, "perdon, hablo espanol, pero no se a que articulo se refiera."

Bothered because so often do I stick up for my people, whether, it is speaking up against one of my managers that claims that most shoppers that come from Mexico are rude, to the pregnant girl I saw getting deported from the Mission Hospital.

I suffer with my beloved Mexico...

there is so much injustice towards my race...

so much blame...

"No one wants them here."

"They are free loading off our government... exploiting it."

Well, actually, no.

The people exploiting our government are the people you gave the opportunity to.

I want:

Equal Rights.

Equal Freedom.

Equal Opportunity.

For everyone. Not just my people. 

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