Saturday, June 16, 2012

Desk update

Friday was disappointing. I ended the last published blog with something around the lines of "I'm not ditching my dad." Well, he ditched me. X____X I feel pretty lame and want to put it down... butttttttttttt.... I promised myself I wasn't going to take down anything I wrote this summer.

After being at Matt's Cash & Carry, Lowe's and The Home Depot since 3:oo pm, we came home at about 5:3o pm and ate bowls full of mom's Caldo de Res. Howevah, before I was even done eating, he (dad) took off and said, "te miro alrato," and closed the door. I resumed... (well, I never really stopped) eating.

Once I got an extra corn and potato, I sat outside with my panting dog and my sleeping dead fat cats and waited for my dad to come home.

6:oo pm

                          6:2o pm

                                                    6:45 pm

                          7:1o pm 

I got up off the swing chair and gathered all the equipment: hand saw, hammer, pencil, ext. cord.

By 7:3o pm I grabbed my sweat soaked phone from my pocket and called him... (I'm not going to drag this out anymore cause it's starting to piss me off again.) He was with his rancher friends probably watching his rooster get the shit beat out of. Anyway, a tantrum later ~~~~ which included me throwing the nailed boards, throwing cages and freeing enslaved chickens (idiots didn't go anywhere cause they've never been out of their 2x2 sq ft cages & it was getting dark) and wondering why he's always ditched me, why he's always ran to father my elder cousins, why he coached them and never tried to push me to join a sport, how he was super anal about me and my mom caring for my nephew when he was here, why I always make up things to do to spend time with him (like this stupid ass desk project which made me spend over 2oo dollars and the Spurs season tickets)  ~~~~ I decided to try and build the desk myself. I blasted up music in the garage and flipped the desk into its place and began mapping out the plan.

Sat. 6.16.12

I woke up at 8:oo am to open up the store. 
Got home. 
Repented and prayed about my anger.

After this, my dad asked me to help him with the desk. I was angry and said, "no." I recut almost everything I cut by myself yesterday and was stuck again. I swallowed my pride and asked dad to help me... I'm glad I did! 

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