Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Servin' Soldiers

Who is He that makes me happy? Who is He that gives me peace?
Who is He that brings me comfort, turns the bitter into sweet?
All of life is far more boring than words could ever say. Our eyes and our ears are never satisfied with what we see and hear.
Ecclesiastes 1 : 8
 What do we gain by all of our hard work?  I have seen what difficult things God demands of us. God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done, and he puts questions in our minds about the past and the future. I know the best thing we can do is to always enjoy life, because God’s gift to us is the happiness we get from our food and drink and from the work we do.  Everything God has done will last forever; nothing he does can ever be changed. God has done all this, so that we will worship him.
Ecclesiastes 3 : 9 - 14
Tuesday Morning
When I hung out with my friend John yesterday, he told me about a food drive that was going on today and he wanted to volunteer. So this morning, I woke up at 7:30 a.m. to eat my mom's tacos de papa a la Mejicana... they was so good. I took a bath because Shiloh jumped off my bed when my mom was yelling, "SE TE VAN A ENFRIAR!"

I drove in.

Got a name tag, time sheet and watched a 10 minute video.

Packed boxes with about five others and a classroom full of Middle School kids. We clocked out at 12:00. We went to Subway then went to the Salvation Army. My favorite part of the day.

We entered the old Fashion Bug store that had black plastic bags on the windows. Inside were tables with a few Salvation Army reps and a few volunteers, behind them were loads of gifts and the RGV Vipers basketball team. So, they were extra loaded.



When we grabbed the black plastic bags, one of amazonian dudes had their Hulk hands waiting for them. I wandered off and asked a lady named Sandra if she needed help with anything. She said, "yes, some bags are missing clothing... check them and mark them off." So John and I left the 200 aisle and started packing bags with extra gifts. Let me tell you, if I filled up your bag, I made sure every kid didn't feel less than... especially if one of their brothers got a bike.

"I'm going shopping for Alexandria." - Sandra

The white sheets had the names of the kids, their sex/age, a Gift section and a Need section. Hope 5 year old Alberto enjoys running in his Nikes.

After checking the bags, we started helping out with checkout. At first, I felt like the parents looked a bit unhappy... a bit entitled to the gifts. Their faces had no emotions.

"They've been waiting in line for a while." - John

When we helped the parents with the bicycles, I asked them how they were going to hide their bicycles. They would smile, look at me with sun squinted eyes and say, "si! aver donde! si no las ponchan antes de navidad!" I laughed and would say, "que dios los bendiga" I tried to do that with everyone.

Serving felt good. The soreness will be worth the smiles of those kids.

Tuesday Night : Pan Dulce with coffee and Lost on Netflix.

Jacob reading Flannery!
Wednesday : God day.

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