Saturday, October 6, 2012


I doubt it's burnout... but I've had trouble writing...

I think I've been overthinking everything because I was reading everything I wrote in the past and it is in desperate need of attention.

Also, I've been trying to write for a class assignment... which has a word/page count and that is also throwing me off. I had a couple of stories in mind (that I wanted to write) but they can't have a limit.

  • One is "Eastern Caracals" which is a basketball drama-based novel about high school life in the RG Valley.
  • Another is about a racist jerk that lives in the valley. (Will probably work for a flash fiction - under 750 words)
  • Another is a novel about an ex convict, Julio Chapa, that goes on an christian expedition. While on the expedition, several people go missing and eyes start to turn to Julio Chapa.
The assignment requires me to write over 1,500 words... to 2,500, I think. So my three ideas just wont work. However, I came back home feeling defeated today and I layed in bed reading David Rice's, "Heart Shaped Cookies." That dude is awesome. His characters are believable.

Anyway, I am going to write about the "Twin Towers." Which are two really tall, athletic girls who intimidate Samuel to do things for them.

Let's get it done!

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