Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Adan the Builder

Adan as in my dad of course! haha 

We've been meaning to build a desk for quite some time... (I bought supplies in March!) I made him get out of bed Tuesday morning when he heard the table saw turn on. I skipped school Tuesday and Wednesday but it was well worth it. 

The fear of losing my parents is always there and I want a hand full of knowledge to be passed down to me.

My mom is a beast at gardening, sewing and a master genius in the kitchen! I've spent so much time with my mom growing up that I've adapted some of her art. I put together a little shirt for my dog using her sewing machine in April and I've known how to make flour tortillas for years.

However, I haven't learned a lot of things from my dad. I was raised primarily by my momma. Up until I was five, my dad wasn't around much. He was always at my cousin's games. (I'm probably an awesome uncle cause of my dad, huh?) My dad was a full time carpenter, plumber, gardener, extinguisher... He's always had a job, the same one. He worked for an older man named Don Hartshorn and his chinese wife Shinshaw Wakamoto.... kidding she's from Singapore but her name is Nancy.

Anyway, so when my dad got home around 4:30 pm, he was always dead tired. I had the opportunity to learn things from him during the summers right after sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Those summer days were spent working/painting a fence that was about two miles long. It was awesome. I got to spend it with my dad's co-worker's sons and my childhood/neighborhood best friends. There, I learned how to use a nail gun, how to paint and everything there is to know about how to make paint brushes last long.

My dad has been unemployed since my senior year of high school and since then, I've gotten to know him better. I bought 2010-2011 season tickets for the Spurs and when we had gas money we went. I invited some friends a couple of times but I ended up ignoring them because I couldn't ditch my dad. Sorry.

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